At the Second Presidential Debate, Donald Trump, told Hillary Clinton,  if elected President he would instruct his Attorney General to appoint a Special Prosecutor to prosecute her. He claimed Hillary is crooked, he even coined the phrase “Crooked Hillary”.  President Donald Trump claimed the FBI was also furious at Hillary Clinton.

Since elected President, things haven’t gone exactly the way President Trump said it would. He fired FBI Director, James Colmey, for not taking his suggestion to drop the Russia Affair. You see everything President Trump wished to do to Hillary Clinton is now happening to him, the Justice Department appointed a Special Counsel, former FBI Director, Robert Mueller, who opened a criminal investigation against the President.

In true fashion Twitter Gangsta Trump, sets off his war of words on Twitter.

Truthfully I don’t believe AG Jeff Sessions has the stomach to witch hunt Hillary Clinton at this time. President Trump runs the risk of becoming a Lame Duck President in his very first year in office with the smell of impeachment all over him. The American people will soon realize the only agenda Trump has for them is to rollback everything good President Obama did for them including, healthcare, Cuba, immigration (Dreamers), the environment…..

You see President Trump is just a spoiler.

